Colors Of Cincinnati
by Mel Steinhauer
Colors Of Cincinnati
Mel Steinhauer
Photograph - Photography
(Copyright Mel Steinhauer all rights reserved) Cincinnati is a city that is rich in history, traditions, good food and beauty. Like here in an old neighborhood known as Over The Rhine, that was once settled by German immigrants. A prominent local businessman, James Findlay donated land here which was used to build a Public Market in 1852. Today, the famous wrought iron frame Findlay Market is Ohio's oldest public market and it was placed on our National Register of Historic Places in 1972. People come from all over the area to buy locally grown or produced vegetables, fruits, meats and a variety of many other items. Here you will also find bakeries, sandwich and specialty shops to fill your time and needs. And if that is not quite enough, you can just stop for a moment to enjoy the bright and beautiful ... Colors Of Cincinnati.
I created this image from my original photograph taken on location by adding digital enhancements, textures and other effects. These effects and image details will become more visible by clicking inside the green square magnifier as the cursor is placed over the image.
PLEASE NOTE: Our professional printing facilities have a feature for customers who desire artwork prepared for them to be in standard sizes such as 8 x 10, 11 x 14, 16 x 20, 24 x 30, 36 x 24 and so on. When you select your image to purchase, from the SIZE tab choose a VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL or SQUARE format. Notice that some portions of my original image may not be included in these cropped formats. The NATURAL format is the way I composed the image in camera or during final processing. Sometimes this would create an image size which required the use of non-standard mats or frames. So go ahead and see for yourself, by viewing my images in these new formats to decide which one may (or may not) best suit your needs or style of wall art. Of course, you may always choose the NATURAL format and purchase my art as it was originally composed and created.
Many thanks and best wishes!
August 29th, 2012